Monday, November 6, 2006

Christians can't have any fun in life.

Is that what people really think??

I was thinking about this at work today. I mean this weekend I go out and I'm put into a situation and conversations where I realized HOW MUCH God has been molding me this summer. I'm one of those freaky religious people. I read my Bible everyday. I rarely listen to secular music anymore (though at the moment I am listening to Norah Jones). In religious conversations I add my convictions even if it isn't going to be the popular view. But.... has God molding me for His purposes really made me dull???NO WAY!!! I think I'm having more fun living life than I ever have. In other situations this past weekend.... hanging out with good Christian friends... we were going between laughing so hard we wanted to wet ourselves to talking about our Lord and Savior. It doesn't get much better than this. Plus... I was thinking about my Lord and Savior today. Wow, I know.... go figure. But seriously..... he wasn't a boring stick in the mud. He also didn't sit in his self-righteous corner either. He hung out with the sluts, thieves otherwise messed up people. Love the sinner, hate the sin. This I have also been thinking about as the Marriage Amendment vote is occurring tomorrow. I'm voting "Yes" btw. But with situations like this you see the Christians that get downright ugly towards the homosexual groups. Hello... is this showing God's love to others??? Well I digress.... Jesus... he is at a wedding. They run out of wine so I see Jesus... "Psssstt.... hey mom.... check this out." So what does He do... make just ok wine???? No way... the Bible says he made the best wine! The whole coin out of a fishes mouth?!? Come on... He could have put it under a rock other something. Yeah... I'm a Christian and having a blast. Not to say there aren't the Job moments.... but I have the assurance that all things work together for good. It's the indescribable freedom of being "In Christ" Romans 8.

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