Monday, August 6, 2007

Walk in the Father's will

It will get brutal. But once you step in to God's will... and walk in His will. Allow the Holy Spirit to move in your life. It may get very uncomfortable. Painfully brutal even. But there is a Heavenly Father who loves us VERY much. I'm just beginning to discover what this Father's love looks like. I haven't experienced it in the flesh much. Flesh... it must die so we can serve our Lord. We can't serve 2 masters. We have to decide who we want to serve. Even is serving the One True Master means that somethings in our flesh that we took pleasure in or enjoyed before must be destroyed. Do our actions Glorify God in ALL things? I have now had 2 brutal weeks. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. I asked the Lord for something last weekend. He revealed it to me in a dream. He didn't show me the outcome though. This is where I need to trust my Father that He is looking out for me and only wants the best. This weekend wasn't much easier. Can I just say it's truly a blessing from God to have a friend where you can drag them out to an old wooden bridge in the middle of the woods at night. They are ok with you just sitting there and sobbing on their shoulder. They are ok with you not talking. They are just there for you. Then the next day you ask them to pray because that night God revealed another thing to you in a dream. Another uncomfortable thing that the flesh is just screaming at you to run from because the outcome is unknown. But you press on, following your Father's guidance. You seem Him being glorified in it. It's causing pain. But destroying sin's grasp.... the devil doesn't want to give up without a fight. Stay the course. Step into the Father's will.... even if in this flesh it looks like the scary unknown! Romans 8:28

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