Tuesday, September 26, 2006


So I was up at camp this last weekend for the Women's Retreat. Between that, talking to my friends, my own contemplative thoughts and a POW moment from God. My head is just spinning. He has a mighty huge plan for me is how it looks. It's kind of freaky. Yet He is in control and I can see how this has all been set up, up to this point. So please pray for guidance. I have been praying since Sunday night so I know if that was really God that told me these things. Or if it was just my mind playing with me. Though every other time it has hit me like that... it has been God. So dear Lord please continue to prepare me for the work that you will have me do. I don't feel worthy. Please mold me in to the tool that You need. So many things to ponder........ (the journal is growing rapidly now)

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