Friday, December 28, 2012

Introducing the Ministry Team Calendar!!


Shortly my January prayer letter from CVM will be distributed. At the bottom it says mentions a calendar being developed.

Well, this calendar is now available. If you are a current monthly financial ministry partner, you should be receiving it in the mail shortly. If you have been contributing monthly but not through an Electronic Funds Transfer, please contact me so I don't miss sending you yours.

I have compiled a brief video with the slides of the calendar so you know what you are expecting...  Enjoy!

If you plan on becoming a monthly financial ministry supporter, there is no time like the present, please contact me so I can get this calendar out to you!! 66.44% of my budget is needed yet in commitments for me to reach 100% and for CVM to allow me to move to my hut that waiting for me 7,700 miles from where I'm typing this email.

Divide this amount by $50 and it's only 60 people!! Or by $20 it's only 150 people!! (or $100 only 30 people :-O  ) This letter reaches a lot more than that. So many hands will make light work! If you think your church or friends might be interested in learning more about veterinary based mission work, please put me in contact with them. Or civic groups. Or Student groups. With networking we can do amazing things!! All monthly support until I move goes to my one time needs which 47.53% of that has been committed!! So all that is left to raise is the $20k for my sturdy truck!!

If for some reason you would like to be a monthly financial supporter and NOT receive the calendar, please let me know as well.

Please keep me in prayer as I fly out to Colorado Springs in less than 2 weeks for my training at Mission Training International. I'll be back in Wisconsin in February.

Happy New Year!!


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